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Submission Web Directory  - Business & Economy  - Employment and Work

Parent Category: Employment and Work


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1Way Video Interview Software

1Way Interview functions as an AI-powered one way video interview tool which helps staff selection by improving efficiency for both employers and their hiring management teams. Job seekers manage their time more easily because they can answer the questions through the platform while deciding when to record their responses according to their schedules. The video submissions through this method enable employers to evaluate candidates when convenient for them without the need for appointment scheduling which speeds up their hiring selection.

Read more is a UK based job site which offers free job listings for SMEs including recruitment agencies and other job boards in the UK. We always seek to improve our services for both employers and job seekers. We have ambitions to make available all sorts of job opportunities for the job seekers from various industry and businesses sectors.Read more
Due Diligence Checking Ltd

Due Diligence Checking are DBS check specialists. The compay offer background checks for employers and organisations.Read more

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