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Host ID:2589944
Hosting Title:Premier Podiatry: Velimir Petkov, DPM
Webhosting URL:
Description:Premier Podiatry is a modern, family-friendly advanced foot and ankle care center located in Clifton, NJ. Podiatrist Dr. Velimir Petkov treats all foot and ankle conditions in adults and children. At Premier Podiatry, we offer our patients the latest technologies in the field of podiatry including laser therapy for toenail fungus, EPAT for plantar fasciitis, 3D custom orthotics for foot pain and heel pain. We also treat bunions, ingrown toenails, plantar warts, Gout, Athlete's Foot and more.
Category:Computers & Internet: Web Directories: Niche Directories: Health
URL Owner:Dr. Velimir Petkov
Site Hosting Date Added:September 08, 2019 05:36:02 PM
Number Hits:528
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